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How I got my life together with Baking

I always considered myself too naïve, overly coddled and completely incapable of facing rigours of establishing a business. I am the youngest of four siblings and the most spoiled one. I didn’t need to work ever because someone was always tending to my needs (financial, housing all of em). Now when I look back at my life, I feel disgusted with myself, how crippling was all of it. This unnecessary spoon-feeding left me incapacitated to take on any real life (adult) responsibilities. I’m sure many of us have read “His first Flight”. When I first had to find a job, I realized I was the damn seagull. My mom practically had to throw me off the cliff after 25 years of spoon-feeding.


These years of over protection from my family severely damaged my confidence, when I got my first job as an online sales rep, I always undermined my abilities, never thought my skills were worth anything. Then I worked as a social media manager for a beauty salon for a while, again my inability to believe in myself became a hindrance. After a year and a half I decided to take a break from working and crashed at my sister’s.


I didn’t want to feel like a free loader, so I decided to help her with the kitchen. I took the responsibility of making breakfast, lunch and dinner for her family. In dinner I always used to bake something, chocolate Soufflé, muffins and cinnamon buns for breakfast. I never thought of my baking as a skill (a life skill) until my nephew’s preschool graduation. I baked s’more cookies for the event and everyone asked about them (in a good way). The response was really nice and totally unexpected for me. This is when one of the ladies came up to me and jokingly said, I should start my own bakery because of how good these cookies were.


Initially I shrugged it all off, but next morning when my sister (who was thoroughly enjoying the cinnamon bun I made) told me that it was actually a good idea and maybe I should give it a proper thought. I decided to give it a shot and put an add for homemade cookies on facebook in a local group (that I joined I don’t know how). I actually got 3 orders, two of which were from the ladies who attended the pre-school graduation (of their kids). I had to make custom cookie boxes at home for my starting orders but soon I had to resort to a packaging firm as I couldn’t make so many boxes at home. Yes, my cookies were an instant hit and I started to get many orders.



So this is the story of how I started my bakery business, a huge part of my Brand identity were the high quality custom cookie boxes I used for my orders. The packaging company, Wholesale Product Boxes is one of the best ones out there and I am a regular customer.

Why Face Serums are Lifesavers:



Skin conditions are fourth most common type of illness in humans still we don’t try to fix the root cause of the issue. We try to cover the problems with makeup, which is a temporary solution. I struggled my whole life with dark circles, large pores and sagged skin. My condition was due to longer exposure to sun and constant stress. I was a child with self-esteem issues who grew up to be a teen with anxiety and eating disorders and eventually into an adult struggling with mental illnesses on and off. I used to cover my skin issues with layers of foundation and concealer, which gave me false confidence to go out, but every time I washed my face at night and saw my real face, my insecurities got even worse. Wearing makeup started feeling like a deception, the thought that it was a lie and underneath I was an ugly mess ruined my self-esteem. I felt like I was dependent on makeup, constant need to check and freshen up my makeup, everywhere I go, was tiring.


Why we don’t invest in skin care:


Reason for being caught in a whirlwind of wearing makeup was that I didn’t even know there was a solution to my skin problems. I’d always heard quality of our skin was determined primarily be genetics and if you have problematic skin, it’s probably you “BAD GENES”. Most people don’t even try looking for a solution falsely believing there is no cure to their problems(just like I did). Now it’s partly true that genes determine skin but it is false that there is no solution if you have genetic skin condition i.e. large pores. 99 percent of common skin conditions can be easily treated, I learned this really late in my life (but I’m glad I did). I started researching online for my skin conditions and I was astonished to see how many people (men and women both) were suffering from the same issues. There were forums and informative articles about reversing sun damage and pre-mature aging of skin. Two of Best skincare products I ever invested in are vitamin C and hyaluronic acid serums.


Ever since I started using these two products (with healthier lifestyle choices) my skin started recovering. Blemishes were gone, dark circles reduced and pores were smoothed out (to a good extent but not entirely). Natural skin care serums have a great market but are not advertised properly. Like in my case, I would have used these serums a long time ago but I did not know about them. Buying a quality serum was an issue too. Packaging of these products is usually kept so simple and drab that evaluating the products become an issue. Companies should invest more In custom serum boxes for their products. I was adamant on buying the serums but if I was a regular potential consumer I would’ve simply left without buying anything because of how difficult it is to look for these products.



Skincare serums changed my life and I would suggest instead of spending $$$ on expensive makeup products, everyone should invest in products that make your ski8n naturally healthy. Indie brands for serums must use customized packaging and if you’re a skincare business looking for custom serum boxes for your brand, Wholesale Product Boxes manufacture high quality serum boxes on wholesale rates. You can book your order from just 50 boxes.

Sleeve Boxes an Innovative way of Packaging:

In today’s world capitalism and globalization have made it extremely difficult to market your products and make them stand out as compared to competitors. What makes your product unique, can be copied easily by other brands and then you have to think of a new way to make your product stand out. But one thing that can’t be copied is your brand logo and designing of your packaging. If someone tries to copy your trademarks they can face legal consequences as you can easily take them to court.


Brand Narrative and Buying Behavior:



Consumers continuously look for traits and characteristics of products that can facilitate their buying decision. We as humans like to think that our decisions are rational but scientific studies suggest otherwise. Most buying decisions are deeply rooted in a consumer’s emotional association with the brand. The consumer tends to choose a product whose brand narrative they feel most connected to. And what better way to express your narrative than the brand packaging. Now there is only limited space available to mention all the specifications, characteristics and ingredients. This problem can easily be solved by adding an extra layer over the original packaging. Adding that extra layer in form of a sleeve box will make the product 3x attractive for the consumer.



Reasons to Add a sleeve box to the packaging:


Adding a custom designed sleeve box to the main packaging is growing trend in the world of marketing.


Attractiveness: a well-designed sleeve box Increases overall attractiveness of the packaging hence acting as a facilitator in buying decisions.


Creativity and Innovation: with a custom sleeve boxes over your packaging there is plenty of room for creativity and innovation that might’ve never been possible over basic packaging or container of your product.


Green Sleeve Boxes: adding the element of caring about planet and making recyclable or biodegradable sleeve boxes make your product more appealing to consumer. It gives the idea that your brand actually cares about its customers.


Delight: while purchasing a product consumer wants a whole experience. It’s not just about buying the product for mere needs anymore. Most products that customers buy now are to fulfill the wants. So companies need to step up their packaging game as well and put some thought into the package opening experience for consumer, such that it will deliver the utmost delight.


How to Design a Sleeve Box:


If you decide to add sleeve boxes to your product’s packaging keep tabs on a few things.




Most important thing is the material you use for your sleeve box. It should feel nice when the consumer holds the box in his/her hands. Don’t go for cheap material if you want to give that luscious feel to the packaging.


Color palette:


Use the colors that go well with the aesthetic of your brand. Don’t go outside the spectrum of your brand narrative.




Carefully design the box and use the space carefully to narrate your story that will communicate with the consumer visually.


If you want high quality custom sleeve boxes designed for your product Wholesale Product Boxes manufactures sleeve boxes at very affordable rates with custom designing.